Tag: Advokater tag. div. Skovsted

Warning against Lundgren’s lawyers. About the corrupt Lundgrens lawyers. Lundgrens are liars, and have been shown to be willing to accept bribes from some clients in order to work against other clients. Contributing to covering up these corrupt lawyers are employees of Horten lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Dansk Industri, the Danish Courts Agency, the Nævnenes Hus lawyer association, the Danish Bar Association, DLA Piper lawyers.

will be updated. Last 28-10-2023. About the corrupt Lundgrens lawyers, THAT THE JYSKE BANK GROUP COULD BRIBE NOT TO PRESENT MY FRAUD CASE AGAINST JYSKE BANK A/S. Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab Tuborg Boulevard 12 DK-2900 Hellerup info@lundgrens.dk +45 3525 2535 CVR nr: 36 44 20 42 Lundgren’s lawyers are extremely cunning when they help Jyske Bank lawyers…

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