Tag: crime


Dette her er en ADVARSEL mod nogle af de største kriminelle Danske Banker. som JYSKE BANK.    Print a English. copy of the last bank news page from this link. 08-02-2023 Se nogle af de delte dokumenter og e-mails på banknyt her. JYSKE BANK BILEN. / The Banking News. Sidst opdateret eller rettet 10-04-2023. Time….

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01-02-2023. Previous front page Banknyt.dk / tidligere forside velkommen

See Previous front page Banknyt.dk / tidligere forside velkommen. You see here the earlier cover of Jyske bank’s fraud here 01-02-2023.     Print a copy of the bank news page from this link. 14-01-2023. Til Jyske Bank koncernen Kopi www.banknyt.dk for gennemgang og evt. rettelser. JYSKE BANK BILEN. / Banking News. UPDATED LATEST 01-02-2023….

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23-01-2023. Jeg skriver her og beder alle modtagere af dette brev, inklusive Regeringen og Statsminister Mette Frederiksen om at du og i bekræfter at i er enige med. – Jens Steen Jensen fra Kromann Reumert advokater, Birgitte Frølund fra Horten advokater, Kurt Rasmussen fra Domstolene, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup Krogsgård og Henrik Hyltoft fra Dansk Erhverv. i at. 1. Det er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokatskik når. En advokat som Lundgrens advokater skjuler og tilbageholder egne processkrifter over for advokatens egen klient.

26 januar time 01.30  is not ready to send. January 2023. this is the draft of the letter I am sending to at least these mentioned authorities, companies and persons.   The Prime Minister’s Office. The Danish Parliament and the Government Prince Jørgens Gård 1. 1218 Copenhagen. Denmark. Please present it to Prime Minister Mette…

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15-01-2023. Afventer svar fra Justitsministeriet. Justitsminister Peter Hummelgaard. – Mens jeg venter på at Justitsministeriet svare om det er god advokatskik, at skjule og tilbageholde flere processkrifter over for sin klient. Eller at de svarer at det er ikke en overtrædelse af god advokatskik, når et advokatfirma skjuler og tilbage flere processkrifter overfor deres klient.

Bliver opdateret med hele mail, som i Link.  opdateret senest 17-01-2023. kl. 11.40. Hvad siger AP Møller til at være hjemmehørende i et land styret af korruption, ?. Se her den mail der er sendt til Jyske bank og CC. Justitsministeriet 16-01-2023. kl. 16.32.     15-01-2023. kl. 16.12. SØGER DIALOG DER KAN STOPPE MINE…

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12-04-2023. Here you will find the Resent mail from 12-01-2023. at 04.01. to the European Central Bank, information about Danish banks that use bribes.

kladde Corrected and attached the forwarded email in a good readable format. I want contact and for the Danish police to stop covering up Jyske Bank’s crimes, I also want director of Jyske Bank CEO Anders Christian Dam to resign his mandate. As well as Jyske Bank itself launching an impartial investigation into the organized…

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09-07-2022. To the PRESS. the Danish state and the government. As well as Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam.

To the PRESS 09-07-2022. the Danish state and the government. As well as Jyske Bank A/S CEO Anders Dam. Read the email here in the link.   A single Dane, Carsten Storbjerg, has gone to war against corruption in Denmark. But Carsten asks for your help, as camaraderie in Denmark has so much power, that…

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04-01-2023. Here at Banknyt, you will find the documents that have been shared to one extent or another over the years from 2016 to 2023. documents are both in Danish and English.

Dokumenter som er delt her på www.banknyt.dk bliver opdateret senest 25-02-2024.  kl. 18.00. TIDLIGERE KLADDE LISTE MED ALLE BREVE TIL OG FRA JYSKE BANK / LEDELSEN 21-12-2020. den først delte liste.   04-02-2024. stævning af Jyske Bank Cvr. 17616617. i anerkendelse søgsmål for overtrædelse af tinglysningslovens § 11, og afgift 1850 kr. Susanne Sørensen Jyske Bank…

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03-01-2023. Can other countries trust a state that like Denmark covers up, that the country’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is behind organized fraud against customers, now please come out of the bush and talk to me, let’s talk together then want help to stop Jyske Bank exposing more customers to fraud.. This Mail is with reference to the many earlier letters that I have written directly to the government / and also that I have sent to the Prime Minister’s Office, you still have not responded to a single inquiry. I have a strong suspicion that the Prime Minister will not respond to my requests, since the government as a whole and the parliament “The Folketinget.” covers the Danish banks that, like Jyske Bank A/S, commit organized crime.

Nederst er delt de som har modtaget denne her mail. Til jeres orientering har ingen turde at besvare not en enste mail, hvilket kun understøtter at alle involverede i Jyske Banks organiseret bedrageri forretning mod bankens kunder, ønsker at fortie den kriminelletet som selv den Danske Stat og myndighederne bevidst dækker over Jyske Banks svindel,…

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07-12-2022. 18.43. Mail. Mangler stadig at anmode til nogle møder, Anmoder om at få et møde, for en fremlæggelse af Jyske Banks brug af organiseret kriminalitet. Jeg har skrevet kontinuerligt til den danske stat om den organiseret kriminalitet i Danmark. I har ikke svaret, hvorfor jeg konstatere, at de danske myndigheder selv dækker over den økonomiske kriminalitet, som eksempelvis Jyske Bank bevisligt står bag, dette skriver jeg en eller flere bøger om, hvilken i som myndigheder er en medvirkende årsag til, i kan hvis i har indsigelse til det jeg skriver, og påtænker at skrive, selv medvirkende og rette eventuelle fejl. dette kan ske ved at i tager mod invitationen om det møde jeg gentagne gange har opfordret og anmodet om. Jeg ønsker personligt at fremlægge af mine mange beviser, overfor for første, Statsministeriet og Danmarks nationalbank samt Finanstilsynet. Jeg har flere beviser for at Jyske Bank står bag organiseret bedrageri.

Her deler jeg mailen i opslaget nedenfor.                                              “retter løbende skrive fejl. opdateret 07-01-2023.” arbejder mig med af i opslaget, der sendes til de mange medvirkende og kriminelle i Jyske Bank, og sendes til…

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08-09-2022. tidligere forside velkommen Banknyt.dk

    UPDATED LATEST 08-09-2022. KL. 16.00. The page and posts are in both Danish and English. 22-07-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several…

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05-09-2022. to the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Judicial Committee, and to each of the 179 members. and the authorities.. / To the Danish State. I am asking the Danish Parliament to answer my inquiries when I ask the government whether you want the Danish population to accept in the future that the Danish authorities and politicians cover up the Danish banks that carry out organized crime, or do you want to take action on the knowledge and evidence you have received from me.

Mail. 05-09-2022. Engelsk. Læs siden på engelsk, klik her på Link.   Print the page as a PDF document here in the LINK.   Some pictures of the atmosphere have been inserted, notice the letter below what I have written, the cover of my diary Banknyt.dk has been inserted, why no authority or political watcher…

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Jyske Bank og Esport Danmark, som er forbundet for esporten i Danmark, har indgået en ny, omfattende partnerskabsaftale. Aftalen skal styrke Esport Danmark i arbejdet med at understøtte alle dele af den danske esport gennem et målrettet fokus på finansiel indsigt og dannelse.

  Esport Danmark indgår partnerskab med Jyske Bank     Jyske Bank og Esport Danmark, som er forbundet for esporten i Danmark, har indgået en ny, omfattende partnerskabsaftale. Aftalen skal styrke Esport Danmark i arbejdet med at understøtte alle dele af den danske esport gennem et målrettet fokus på finansiel indsigt og dannelse. Som en…

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04-09-2022. The customer stands alone against Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank, which continues the bank’s criminal activities with the help of the Danish state.

04-09-2022. Image text The customer stands alone against Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank, which continues the bank’s criminal activities with the help of the Danish state. Tekst til billeder oversat fra Dansk, til Engelsk, Tysk, Fransk, Tyrkisk, Kinesisk, Spansk, russisk, Arabisk, Hollandsk, Japansk.   04-09-2022. PDF The customer stands alone against Denmark’s second largest…

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01-09-2022. ENGLISH. About Jyske Bank and the bank’s fraud which is shared with the DANISH STATE, and Lund Elmer Sandager and others. It must be pointed out that Lund Elmer Sandager works as an aid to the whistleblower scheme for the National Bank of Denmark, and that Lund Elmer Sandager’s lawyers themselves contributed to Jyske Bank’s fraud.

  Read here the letter  31 August 2022. to the National Bank of Denmark, and to all of Denmark’s 179 politicians as well as to the Prime Minister of Denmark and the Prime Minister’s office. The letter is in English and contains evidence that Jyske Bank is using forged documents and that Jyske Bank at…

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31-08-2022. Due to corruption and bribery in Denmark, where Denmark’s second largest bank Jyske Bank is involved, I still want to present my accusations and evidence, because when I accuse the Danske Bank Jyske Bank A/S of fraud, it is disgraceful, which I want Denmark’s national bank find a meeting date. For the delivery of evidence, and a personal presentation with evidence, in timeline to national bank director Lars Rohde. Referring to my earlier emails and requests which have still not been answered, why I am moving again to arrange a meeting.

31-08-2022. The letter inserted in the email to the national bank att Lars Rohde and Denmark’s 179 members of parliament as well and the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, about Jyske Bank and the bank’s obvious crimes. I have written many emails and letters to the Danish State and Jyske Bank about the bank’s business methods…

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02-05-2022. News Risk management and ESG: Conflict management Litigation & Arbitration. Contact Peter Clemmen Christensen Attorney Partner, and Christina Bach Rasmussen Attorney.

  Lundgrens advokater YouTube.     With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.   Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.         12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august….

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11-08-2022. mail. I request that Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg. Will reply to my email regarding the Danish Bank Jyske Bank A/S being behind organized crime within the meaning of the law, and request that you act according to the knowledge gained under your supervision. I look forward to us being able to arrange a meeting after I have had a meeting with Denmark’s Nationalbank where I will first present my documentation for the crimes that I say Jyske Bank A/S is behind.

finanstilsynet@ftnet.dk, info@ecb.europa.eu It is no secret that the politicians in Christiansborg have until today refused to deal with the fact that the Danish State cooperates with and uses a bank that deliberately commits fraud and uses bribery, this has emailed to get the problem of criminal banks taken care of in Denmark and the corruption…

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07-08-2022. FRONT PAGE Cover of bank news Copy of Banking news as it is today. With some pictures that show that Jyske Bank has tried to silence the customer to death, and at the same time defraud the customer for millions of kroner. This is the foundation of Jyske Bank A/S.

UPDATED LATEST 07-08-2022. KL. 16.50. The page and posts are in both Danish and English. 22-07-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several employees together…

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12-07-2022. Printer friendly, small pictures, Jyske Bank cars. Frontpage BANKNYT. the text has been left-aligned Print out copy bankingnews.

Printer friendly, small pictures, Jyske Bank cars.   rettet 12-07-2022. kl. 11.50 Frontpage 12-07-2022 banknyt.dk on this page, the text has been 👈 left-aligned UPDATED LATEST 12-07-2022. KL. 01.20. the page and posts are in both Danish and English. 23-02-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk Printer-friendly front page, text is left-aligned 👈. small mood pictures 300.X.xxx. And here is…

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04-07-2022. kopi forside Frontpage Banknyt som den så ud kl. 12.45

UPDATED LATEST 04-07-2022. KL. 12.40. the page and posts are in both Danish and English. 23-02-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk Hvorfor lyver JYSKE BANK.   Dansk statsborger retter kraftig kritik til: Finanstilsynet, Folketinget, Retsudvalget, Statsminister Mette Frederiksen, Statsministeriet, Finansmisteret, Domstolsstyrelsen, Advokatsamfundet, Advokatnævnet, Danmarks Nationalbank.   I får alle her i mailen kraftig kritik 03-07-2022. Dels for…

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