Tag: dansk erhverv

01-01-2024. Happy New Year Remember we have a meeting next week, and you will want to attend this meeting. See or review some of the emails I have sent to you all And you, Martin, try to talk to me, because everything else is stupid when a conversation can resolve any misunderstandings or mistakes.

Read the mail to Jyske Bank 01-12-2024.  01-01-2024. 16.31. Happy New Year Remember we have a meeting next week, and you will want to attend this meeting. See or review some of the emails I have sent to you all And you, Martin, try to talk to me, because everything else is stupid when a…

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18-12-2023. Det er efter min opfattelse et angreb på befolkningens retssikkerhed og mod rets principperne, når banker overtræder dansk lovgivning, og som her har overtrådt tinglysningsloven § 11, og nægter at denne lov gælder for Jyske Bank, mig bekendt er det ikke lovbestemt at Jyske Bank er fritaget for at skulle overholde lovgivningen. / Sig hvis jeg har misforstået noget. Og svar om I ved passivitet vil holde mund og dermed dække over Jyske Banks lovovertrædelser, eller om i vil være med til at iværksætte en tilbundsgående undersøgelse af mine oplysninger om Jyske Banks lovovertrædelser.

kommer her. forløbig, deler snart mail til Jyske Bank, også, den fra forløbig kladde af 20 december 2023. deles efter jul.   Til: direktion@jyskebank.dk, juridisk@jyskebank.dk, Martin Skovsted-Nielsen <martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk>, Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>, nicolai-hansen@jyskebank.dk, Folketingets Oplysning <folketinget@ft.dk>, nordsjaelland.erhverv@jyskebank.dk, hilleroed.privat@jyskebank.dk, Tina Agergaard <AGERGAARD@jyskebank.dk>, torbjorn.egerdal@jyskebank.dk, dorthe.kirkeby@jyskebank.dk, christian.b.andreasen@jyskebank.dk, jens.rahbek@jyskebank.dk, rune@jyskebank.dk, prp@jyskebank.dk, noerbo@jyskebank.dk, klausnaur@jyskebank.dk, jes-rosendal@jyskefinans.dk, hbm@jyskebank.dk, eqh@jyskebank.dk, gadeberg@jyskebank.dk, ctm@jyskerealkredit.dk, bac@jyskebank.dk,…

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Jyske Bank, Prime Minister’s Office, Denmark’s Nationalbank, and more. Links to sent and shared emails at least for the period 1 October 2023 and until 17 December 2023. Most emails are in Danish, but there are also some in English.


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04-12-2023. This is no secret, but how bad it is with corruption camaraderie among lawyers, judges and large companies in Denmark ?. What I write about in the diary, concerning Jyske Bank. And that I would still like to have peace and stop writing about Jyske Bank’s violation of several laws and regulations, including violation of Section 11 of the Property Registration Act. As I wrote in the email I sent on 3 Dec. I have picked up the Jyske Bank car, which has been parked outside Jyske bank’s various branches over the last few years.

Bliver forsat opdateret med billeder. Corruption is one of the things that Jyske Bank is also good at, read more about it at www.banknyt.dk the code is currently 1234. 🤫 Disclosure tagged shared names is only so that they will read about the extensive crime that the Jyske Bank group is behind, and who has…

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Niels Erik Jakobsen Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Niels Erik Jakobsen. Niels Erik Jakobsen Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.     Om Jyske Bank A/S …

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31. okt. 2023 kl. 13.00. CEO Anders Christian Dam og direktionen og ved Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus og Peter Schleidt samt Lars Stensgaard Mørch,

Kære CEO Anders Christian Dam og direktionen og ved Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus og Peter Schleidt samt Lars Stensgaard Mørch, Til: editor Banknyt <banknyt@gmail.com> Fra: Carsten Storbjerg <carsten.storbjerg@gmail.com> Date: tirs. 31. okt. 2023 kl. 13.00 Kære CEO Anders Christian Dam og direktionen og ved Niels Erik Jakobsen, Per Skovhus og Peter Schleidt samt Lars Stensgaard Mørch,…

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Warning against Lundgren’s lawyers. About the corrupt Lundgrens lawyers. Lundgrens are liars, and have been shown to be willing to accept bribes from some clients in order to work against other clients. Contributing to covering up these corrupt lawyers are employees of Horten lawyers, Kromann Reumert lawyers, Dansk Industri, the Danish Courts Agency, the Nævnenes Hus lawyer association, the Danish Bar Association, DLA Piper lawyers.

will be updated. Last 28-10-2023. About the corrupt Lundgrens lawyers, THAT THE JYSKE BANK GROUP COULD BRIBE NOT TO PRESENT MY FRAUD CASE AGAINST JYSKE BANK A/S. Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab Tuborg Boulevard 12 DK-2900 Hellerup info@lundgrens.dk +45 3525 2535 CVR nr: 36 44 20 42 Lundgren’s lawyers are extremely cunning when they help Jyske Bank lawyers…

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Find advokater i Kromann Reumert, advokater der ikke mener at klienten har ret til at vide hvad deres advokater laver.

                        Find advokater i Kromann Reumert. De advokater som arbejder efter at dette her ikke er en overtrædelse af god advokat skik.   Jens Steen Jensen from Kromann Reumert lawyers, Birgitte Frølund from Horten lawyers, Kurt Rasmussen from the Supreme Court, Rikke Skadhauge Seerup…

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Niels Erik Jakobsen Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Niels Erik Jakobsen. Niels Erik Jakobsen Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.     Om Jyske Bank A/S …

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Per Damborg Skovhus Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Per Damborg Skovhus. Per Damborg Skovhus Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.     Om Jyske Bank A/S …

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Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.

Anders Christian Dam. Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.       Om Jyske Bank…

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Peter Schleidt Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S

Peter Schleidt. Peter Schleidt Jyske Bank. Når Finanstilsynet sammen med regeringen dækker over kriminelle Danske Banker, er Jyske bank bilen en udmærket reklame. Jyske Bank Behind comprehensive FRAUD, Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client`s fraud and false case against Jyske Bank A/S.         Om Jyske Bank A/S …

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10-10-2023. Oplæg om Jyske Banks forretnings metoder og om Jyske Banks kriminelle aktiviteter, find det på Facebook.

  This is no secret, but how bad it is with corruption camaraderie among lawyers, judges and large companies in Denmark ?. What I write about in the diary, concerning Jyske Bank. And that I would still like to have peace and stop writing about Jyske Bank’s violation of several laws and regulations, including violation…

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05-10-2023. Tekst i Facesbook billeder og opslag. Er blevet delt med Jyske Banks advokater og direktionen.

Bliver opdateret. Senest 26-10-2023. LIKE THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. der også er blevet rettet. Jyske Bank bilen er en fast reklame for Jyske Banks kriminalitet.   Se the Jyske Bank car here at the links. Or this LINK. google.   www.banknyt.dk shares 60 photos of the Jyske Bank car for educational use in conflict handling between…

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This is a WARNING against some of the largest Danish criminal companies, as the Danish Bank JYSKE BANK.  JYSKE BANK BILEN. / The Banking News. UPDATED LATEST 05-10-2023. Time. 11.00 Google and see several earlier covers of banking news banknyt.dk   You can see the extensive descriptions of Jyske Bank’s extensive crime, as well as…

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30-09-2023. Text in Facebook posts with links. If you want to work for a criminal organization, search for the available Jobs in Jyske Bank A/S call 89898989. For everyone who is looking for a job, and wants to work with or with criminal Danish banks.

46 videos of the Jyske Bank car for educational use in conflict handling between criminal banks, at the Danske Bank JYSKE BANK and BANKE’s victims of the organized crime that Jyske Bank A/S is demonstrably behind. I cannot alone stop the organized crime and corruption in Denmark, just as the Jyske Bank group cannot say…

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29-09-2023. Tekster til billeder på banking news

Read www.banknyt.dk Call Jyske Bank +4589898989 And ask why the Danish bank Jyske Bank commits fraud, falsifies documents and uses bribes, as well as ask if the bank’s lawyers do not need further training, as employees in Jyske Bank clearly have no understanding of the Danish laws and regulations. See the YouTube video to Legal…

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19-09-2023. Text in Facebook posts with links. – Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict. clearly Anders Dam must be thrown out of the Jyske Bank group as he is the reason for my advertisements about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.

19-09-2023. 01.52. til Jyske Bank og myndigheder. Jeg prøver faktisk at hjælpe Jyske Bank med at lære lovgivningen at kende, da selv jeres juridiske dirktør Martin Skovsted-Nielsen åbenbart ikke kender til lovgivningen, med henvisning til tinglysningslovens § 11. To the Danish Prime Ministers Office. Christiansborg. Prins Joergens Gaard.11 1218. Copenhagen K. mail stm@stm.dk Phone +4533923300….

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18-09-2023. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict. clearly Anders Dam must be thrown out of the Jyske Bank group as he is the reason for my advertisements about Jyske Bank’s many violations of the law.

18-09-2023. 13.01. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict, it only take 5 minutes, to find solution, but clearly…

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17-09-2023. News at banking news about corruption in Denmark between Danish lawyers and banks, like when Jyske Bank bribed Lundgrens lawyers not to present the client’s fraud case against the Jyske Bank group. Ther is behind organized crime.

18-09-2023. 13.01. Dear Jyske Bank group, dismiss CEO Anders Christian Dam, and admit to violation of Section 11 of the Land Registration Act, and give me a written apology, and then talk to me, so that together we can resolve our small but funny conflict, it only take 5 minutes, to find solution, but clearly…

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