Tag: #banks

02-05-2022. News Risk management and ESG: Conflict management Litigation & Arbitration. Contact Peter Clemmen Christensen Attorney Partner, and Christina Bach Rasmussen Attorney.

  Lundgrens advokater YouTube.     With the Danish State’s permission, Jyske Bank A/S commits fraud against customers who have no legal certainty.   Here you can easily see proof that Jyske Bank are criminals and use false and misleading documents to defraud the bank’s customers.         12-08-2022. and corrected 14 august….

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11-08-2022. mail. I request that Danish Financial Supervisory Authority Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen Director Jesper Berg. Will reply to my email regarding the Danish Bank Jyske Bank A/S being behind organized crime within the meaning of the law, and request that you act according to the knowledge gained under your supervision. I look forward to us being able to arrange a meeting after I have had a meeting with Denmark’s Nationalbank where I will first present my documentation for the crimes that I say Jyske Bank A/S is behind.

finanstilsynet@ftnet.dk, info@ecb.europa.eu It is no secret that the politicians in Christiansborg have until today refused to deal with the fact that the Danish State cooperates with and uses a bank that deliberately commits fraud and uses bribery, this has emailed to get the problem of criminal banks taken care of in Denmark and the corruption…

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07-08-2022. FRONT PAGE Cover of bank news Copy of Banking news as it is today. With some pictures that show that Jyske Bank has tried to silence the customer to death, and at the same time defraud the customer for millions of kroner. This is the foundation of Jyske Bank A/S.

UPDATED LATEST 07-08-2022. KL. 16.50. The page and posts are in both Danish and English. 22-07-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk If you, as a collaborator with Jyske Bank in Denmark, know well that Jyske Bank has made a document false and fraud as well as other criminal offenses, which has been committed by several employees together…

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12-07-2022. Printer friendly, small pictures, Jyske Bank cars. Frontpage BANKNYT. the text has been left-aligned Print out copy bankingnews.

Printer friendly, small pictures, Jyske Bank cars.   rettet 12-07-2022. kl. 11.50 Frontpage 12-07-2022 banknyt.dk on this page, the text has been 👈 left-aligned UPDATED LATEST 12-07-2022. KL. 01.20. the page and posts are in both Danish and English. 23-02-2022. Frontpage copy www.storbjerg.dk Printer-friendly front page, text is left-aligned 👈. small mood pictures 300.X.xxx. And here is…

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05-06-2020. Klage over Lundgrens Advokat Partner Dan Terkildsen, og Lundgrens advokater. Hør samtaler og læs udskrifter.

Opdateret 17-08-2020 omhandlende disse dokumenter, fra selve klagen 05-06-2021 2020-1931.   Læs klagen Bilag 233. over advokat Dan Dan Terkildsen fra Lundgrens advokater Og læs hvad Dan Terkildsen svarer her på linket. DAN TERKILDSEN SVARE HER. Hør alle samtaler med lundgrens ansatte Og forstå at dette advokatfirma, Lundgrens må være korrupt og betalt af Jyske…

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05-06-2020. Appendix List to the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers, for being bribed, not to submit their client’s claims against the Jyske Bank Group. / and read what Dan Terkildsen responds to the complaint. 2020-1932.

Update 29-10-2023. Kl.13.00.  Perhaps Denmark’s biggest scandal ever. Extensive cronyism and corruption among Danish lawyers is a direct violation of the principles of legal certainty, and not a single one wants to stop it.   27-06-2023. Kl. 11.30 and to the Danish state. The management of Jyske bank and your lawyers YES or NO this…

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Efter 43 måneder er sagsøgerens påstand stadig ikke fremlagt. HVORFOR ?

  Måske fordi Jyske Banks ledelse har brugt bestikkelse, og betalt Lundgrens advokater for ikke at fremlægge deres klients påstande mod Jyske Bank Koncernen for svig og falsk, uanset Lundgrens måtte være blevet bestukket ved brug af retur kommision. Here is the story of one of Denmark’s probably biggest fraud cases, where both banks and…

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30-04-2017. We have repeatedly asked Jyske Bank to investigate the case and help us. Read for example the letter of 30-04-2017. Here we write to Jyske bank’s Group Management Group. The letter is to all of them. Which is why their names are all included.

A few are no longer in Jyske Bank. Print friendly copy of the letter.   30-04-2017 Kære Anders Dam * til Jyske Bank Vestergade 8-16. 8600 Silkeborg. koncern ledergruppe og Juridisk direktør Peter Stig Hansen att Anders Dam mener at Jyske Bank bedrager kunde. er pt ikke fremlagt. Page 1-9. har indsat side nummer. /…

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Jyske Bank brugte svig, og har bedraget kunde siden 2008/2009

Din siden skriv din historie her:   IDEMANDEN BAG ELVAGTEN & VVS VAGTEN I DANMARK CARSTEN S SKAARUP HAR NU FÅET NOK AF JYSKE BANKOG ANLÆGGER SAG MOD BANKEN Bruger Jyske Bank Mafia metoder for at berige Jyske Banks aktionærer og ledelse ?   Carsten udtaler efter at være tørret af jyske bank rådgivning, de…

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Straffeloven som den er skrevet. Find Jyske Banks værdier og hold dem op mod straffeloven. Er jyske bank hæderlig og ærlig, altså kan du stole på jyske

Jyske Bank findes i hele landet leder du efter en bestemt afdeling se på www.jyskebank.dk Uddrag af straffelovens kap. 28 Formue forbrydelser § 279    Donation to lawyer assistance against Jyske bank A/S for gross fraud carried out and continued by Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors since May 2016 in association. received IBAN DK0854790004563376 Help…

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Find Jyske Bank A/S kontantautomat.

Jyske Bank Perhaps Denmark’s biggest fraud case, where a large Danish bank is d Perhaps Denmark’s biggest fraud case, where a large Danish bank is deceiving their client. And getting help from the client’s lawyer, the client says it’s like being in a bad movie. 🙂 The case is now also about Lundgren’s Attorneys have…

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15-07-2008. BILAG. Her ser du de bilag, hvor Jyske Bank koncernen ved Casper Dam Olsen og Anette Kirkeby. tvinger kunde til at sælge byggegrund, og dermed tvangs nedbringe det lån i Nykredit, som jyske Bank har giver oprykkerne pant i forud for tvangssalg. På denne måde er vi inde i bedrager paragrafferne.

15-07-2008. Fremlagt 04-05-2020. Opdateret 03-12-2020. Se alle link her på bloggen.   Bevis for at Jyske Bank har tvunget mig som kunde, til at sælge en byggegrund, billeder / bilag ligger længere nede i bunden, efter salg af denne grund er et lån blevet nedbragt, et lån der er nedbragt men som Jyske Bank stadig…

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