Tag: Danmarks nationalbank

24-02-2022. The Danish state drops the first bomb in the war.

  Get my exclusive story about the organized crime that the Danish state covers. Feel free to buy the company that is suing Jyske Bank, and help to give Jyske Bank and the danish state a big slap in the face, and tell them that the Danish state covers criminal Danish banks. The Danish state…

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OPSLAG 21-02-2022 Facesbook. Delt i fler opslag som her. Rettet Den Danske stat kaster den første bombe i krigen om Danskernes retssikkerhed, ved at dække over den kriminelle Jyske Bank. 🌋 24-02-2022. DANSK. and 24-02-2022. ENGELSK. 🌏 23-02-2022. I fight against camaraderie and corruption in Denmark. 🌍 Read my story about corrupt Denmark, where the…

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31-01-2022. You probably ask yourself why the Danish state by the authorities all covers banks’ crime, the reason is quite simple, because in 2013 the politicians at Christiansborg, with the Ministry of Business and Growth, decided that, among other things, Jyske Bank should not go bankrupt, and Jyske If the bank is held responsible for the bank’s fraud and the bank’s many criminal acts, the Financial Supervisory Authority will be forced to revoke the Danish bank Jyske Bank’s license to conduct banking business in Denmark, which is why Jyske Bank is highly likely to go bankrupt.

  31-01-2022. Opdateret 31-01-2022. KL. Du spørger nok dig selv hvorfor den danske stat ved myndighederne alle sammen dækker over bankers kriminalitet, grunden er ret enkel, for i 2013 vedtog poliktikerne på Christiansborg, med Erhvervs- og Vækstministeriet, at blandt andet Jyske Bank ikke måtte gå konkurs, og skal Jyske Bank stilles til ansvar for bankens…

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Links to free advice pictures and videos.

This page is about Denmark being largely controlled by corrupt lawyers as Lundgrens, and criminal banks as Jyske Bank, and incompetent judges like Kurt Rasmussen who chose to cover up the crime of the powerful friends, it started 17 May 2016, where I first wrote directly to Jyske Bank Anders Christian Dam, and wrote I…

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28-01-2022. This email is to the Danish state, and thus all Danish authorities such as the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and all politicians at Christiansborg. / My case with Jyske Bank is probably very small in size, but it may have major consequences for Denmark if I alone have to fight against all of you, if you continue to cover up Jyske Bank’s violation of the penal code.

Mail 28-01-2022. to. Time 13.38 At the very bottom you can read the first notices that are shared, to warn against bribery and corruption as well as camaraderie by Danish lawyers, as well as a direct warning against blindly trusting Danish companies.   corrected 29-01-2022. time 19.20. Will the Danish state with the government and…

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24-01-2022. It is about organized crime and corruption in Denmark, and is just a friendly recommendation that it is in trouble for Denmark when the state covers large Danish companies that do not want to comply with the law. / Fwd: I ask and ask Jyske Bank and the Danish state and authorities at the Danish government to help, please read it all and understand I just want dialogue and then do something else, this is an extended hand to CEO Anders Christian Dam.

24-01-2022. 14.30 Dear Advocate Board and Advocate Society. I forgot to share the email January 23 with you. Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk  postkasse@advokatsamfundet.dk, metnie@danskebank.dk, Danske Bank Welcoming <welcometeam@danskebank.dk> CC. stm@stm.dk, REU@ft.dk, fm@fm.dk, Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>, direktion@jyskebank.dk, juridisk@jyskebank.dk, martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk, Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>, Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk, martin.lavesen@dk.dlapiper.com, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk I have shared…

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23-01-2022. Mail shared and released February 11th. I ask and ask Jyske Bank and the Danish state and authorities at the Danish government to help, please read it all and understand I just want dialogue and then do something else, this is an extended hand to CEO Anders Christian Dam.

23-01-2022.  14.49. This email os forwarded 24-01-2022. To Postkasse – Klagesagsafdelingen klagesagsafdelingen@advokatsamfundet.dk  postkasse@advokatsamfundet.dk, metnie@danskebank.dk, Danske Bank Welcoming <welcometeam@danskebank.dk> CC. stm@stm.dk, REU@ft.dk, fm@fm.dk, Justitsministeriet <jm@jm.dk>, direktion@jyskebank.dk, juridisk@jyskebank.dk, martin.nielsen@jyskebank.dk, Morten Ulrik Gade <MUG@jyskebank.dk>, Philip Baruch <pb@les.dk>, Kristian Ambjørn Buus-Nielsen <kbn@les.dk>, kf@nationalbanken.dk, nationalbanken@nationalbanken.dk, martin.lavesen@dk.dlapiper.com, jakob.ellemann-jensen@ft.dk 23-01-2022. I ask and ask Jyske Bank and the Danish state and authorities…

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Sikkerheds kopi af forside banknyt.dk 22-01-2022 12.30. er ej opdateret

Siden er OPDATERET SENEST 21-01-2022. KL. 12.30. her kan du læse mere om fundamentet i Jyske Bank A/S hvilket ser ud til at værre organiseret kriminalitet. Jyske Bank viser her deres MAGT for at advare andre at kæmpe mod svindel Banken. siden er både på dansk og engelsk. CEO Anders Christian Dam Jyske Bank retire,…

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Dansk. 12-01-2022. Kære alle, Jeg anmoder hermed de danske myndigheder og Nationalbanken samt Finansministeriet om at undersøge alle anklager mod den danske bank Jyske bank, for brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri samt bestikkelse, som løbende er delt på banknyt.dk og finde i dem sande, anmoder jeg hermed, at den danske stat og de danske myndigheder om at stoppe med at bruge Jyske Bank som bank for Danmark.

Mail 12 november 2021. 00.56 Kære alle, Jeg anmoder hermed de danske myndigheder og Nationalbanken samt Finansministeriet om at undersøge alle anklager mod den danske bank Jyske bank, for brug af dokumentfalsk og bedrageri samt bestikkelse, som løbende er delt på banknyt.dk og finde i dem sande, anmoder jeg hermed, at den danske stat og…

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09-12-2020. Velkommen til min fortælling om de danske banker og deres korrupte advokater. her på BANKNYT.dk / Tidligere forsiden af 15-03-2020.

Page is under updating latest 09-12-2020. You will find more in both Danish and English a little further down the page. Tidligere forside velkommen er EN DEL ER PÅ ENGELSK 17-08-2021. flyttet hertil LINK. Der findes mange lings til relevante opslag, som du finder på FORSIDE 17/8-2021. FORSIDE 9/12 2020. FORSIDE 8/7 2020. FORSIDE 14/3-2020.  FORSIDE…

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05-06-2020. Klage over Lundgrens Advokat Partner Dan Terkildsen, og Lundgrens advokater. Hør samtaler og læs udskrifter.

Opdateret 17-08-2020 omhandlende disse dokumenter, fra selve klagen 05-06-2021 2020-1931.   Læs klagen Bilag 233. over advokat Dan Dan Terkildsen fra Lundgrens advokater Og læs hvad Dan Terkildsen svarer her på linket. DAN TERKILDSEN SVARE HER. Hør alle samtaler med lundgrens ansatte Og forstå at dette advokatfirma, Lundgrens må være korrupt og betalt af Jyske…

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05-06-2020. Appendix List to the complaint against Lundgren’s lawyers, for being bribed, not to submit their client’s claims against the Jyske Bank Group. / and read what Dan Terkildsen responds to the complaint. 2020-1932.

Update 29-10-2023. Kl.13.00.  Perhaps Denmark’s biggest scandal ever. Extensive cronyism and corruption among Danish lawyers is a direct violation of the principles of legal certainty, and not a single one wants to stop it.   27-06-2023. Kl. 11.30 and to the Danish state. The management of Jyske bank and your lawyers YES or NO this…

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25-11-2021. GL. forside Banknyt velkommen, udskiftes efter hoved forhandling af sagen BS-402/2015-VIB. i byretten, inden fortsættelse i Landsretten

Her er den gamle forsiden fra banknyt indsat pr. 25-11-2021. Sagen mod Jyske Bank overgår nu til Landsretten og bliver beskrevet. fra 15 marts 2020. www.banknyt.dk OPDATERET SENEST 22-11-2021. KL11.30.  BILLEDER OG BILAG INDSÆTTES. Er du Journalist og ønsker at spørge ind til min historie og mine bilag så ring til mig på +4522227713. Vh…

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An earlier version from Welcome Jyske Bank. 09-09-2018 has been continuously replaced.

En tidligre version fra Velkommen Jyske Bank. 04-09-2018 er løbende udskiftet. An earlier version from Welcome Jyske Bank. 09-09-2018 has been continuously replaced. see it just below the first pictures       DIARY about 10 years in the heel, See it here at Danish . – Think what the customers in the Danish banks Becomes…

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Dagbog velkommen kopi 23 maj 2018

Læs en families Dagbog. flyttet 23 maj 2018 banknyt fra velkommen  1. Maj  2018 CEO Anders Dam jyske bank Vi har fjernet offentliggørelsen af alle facesbook sider, så de er skjult. Hvorfor mange links herfra ikke vil virke. Dette er for at vise vi faktisk ikke ønsker disse kedelige opslag. Vi ønsker samtale, og intet andet….

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Find Jyske Bank A/S kontantautomat.

Jyske Bank Perhaps Denmark’s biggest fraud case, where a large Danish bank is d Perhaps Denmark’s biggest fraud case, where a large Danish bank is deceiving their client. And getting help from the client’s lawyer, the client says it’s like being in a bad movie. 🙂 The case is now also about Lundgren’s Attorneys have…

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Udskifte Opdateret 12-02-2020. Tidligere forside velkommen er EN DEL ER PÅ ENGELSK 17-08-2021. flyttet hertil LINK. Der findes mange lings til relevante opslag, som du finder på FORSIDE 17/8-2021. FORSIDE 9/12 2020. FORSIDE 8/7 2020. FORSIDE 14/3-2020.  FORSIDE 22/2-2020. FORSIDE 18/5-2018. FORSIDE 18/2-2016.   The welcome page is moved See Appendix proving and proving that Jyske…

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